Automatic content creator

 If you’re meeting people for the first time and want to make a good impression, you dress well, comb your hair and approach with a smile. You put your best foot forward by presenting the best version of yourself. 

The same is true of the content you create for your brand. If your content isn’t well-written and free of error, your message will be lost. 

To present the best version of your content, make sure your spelling and grammar are correct, your topics are engaging and well-researched and your headlines strong. 

There are content creation tools to help you craft strong content and put that best foot forward. Here are just a few.

How Website Content Writing Software Can Help

There was a time when the quantity of content reigned over quality. As a result, brands created lots of short pieces without much concern for grammar, spelling, style, or syntax. Even today, with the 24-hour news cycle and the constant need to publish, good writing can fall by the wayside.

But it’s to the detriment of a brand’s ranking and reputation. Bad grammar and spelling tells your audience that you don’t care enough to correct your mistakes. And if you don’t care about that, who’s to say you care enough to check facts, test recipes or verify quotes? 

And search engines like Google are paying attention to writing quality, too. In their 2015 Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines, they instruct human evaluators to look for bad spelling, grammar and syntax, and to flag it as thin content.

At the same time, your content should be interesting. It should tell a story or solve a problem. And your headlines should be well-written, bold and enticing.

As a professional writer, I can tell you, not everything you put down on paper (or Google Docs) comes out as content marketing gold. Ideas fail. Headlines fall flat. And grammar? I’ve been writing and editing for 20 years and grammar is still a minefield of unintended gaffes.

That said, how do you create and maintain quality content that will rank well with search engines? There are tools (and real people) you can use to help you create great content that is clear, well-researched, and valuable to your audience.

Content Research and Creation Tools

Before you can write great blog posts, you have to find an engaging topic that will provide something valuable to your audience. Once you’ve found that topic, you have to deliver on your promise by writing something well-researched and optimized.

There are tools that can help you do one, the other or both. 

Content Gorilla 2.0 Exclusive
  • Quick Convert                                      
  • Create content in 105+ languages
  • Auto-add relevant images 
  • Built-in Content Spinner
  • Built-in Grammar Correction
  • Fetch featured image
  • Video tags to post tags
  • Multi-publish
  • Custom Image
  • Internal Linking
  • Bulk Post
  • Article Rewriter
  • Post Later 
  • Unlimited Usage 
  • Use on up to 10 websites
  • Full-time support
  • Goofball's guide to building a WordPress website.

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